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Based in Washington DC, freelance wardrobe at your service. A lover of comic books, crime novels, and scifi television. Also loves guiness, jazz, and a beautiful woman named Marley.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Friends and Business...sometimes AWESOME...sometimes lame

So being friends with stage managers as a wardrobe supervisor has many benefits including being in the know. The problem comes when your friend/co-worker does not leave their proverbial "shit" at the door and just do their job. I don't really care if you like an actor or not. I don't care that you don't like the pace our tech is going at. You're the Stage Manager. It's your job to fix it, not mine. Nor am I an in between person between you and your ASM's or your actors. Man up, Suit up, whatever you want to call it to get a backbone and talk to them yourself. I hate when people abuse friendship at the workplace. It's annoying, frustrating, and down right insulting. Also, I am not your stand in bf who will listen to all your complaints, how hard your day was, hug you, and tell you it will all be okay. I have a gf, and I like her a hell of a lot more than I like you. I love her. She's fucking awesome as a gf, and does your job twice if not thrice as good.

....Right so First day of tech not so good. Pissed. Exhausted. Desperately missing Marley.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

So Rewind

I totally forgot about Christmas with my parents! It was the best time we've all spent together in a really long time! We talked and I cooked breakfast Christmas morning and we all helped cooked dinner and it was really nice. I'm starting to feel like an actual adult around of them. They are fully supportive of what I do and they love Marley which is an awesome bonus. It's taken a long road with a lot of speed bumps and fuckin flat tires but I'm starting to feel happy about my life.

Animal Doesn't Just Play the Drums...

So this video combines 2 things. My long time favorite theatrical endeavor (muppets) and my most recent favorite theatrical endeavor (opera). I just wanted to share. Also, my favorite muppets make an appearance at the end!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I Talk About her All the Time!

So I figured I'd only talk a little bit about the trip and her visit down here in Orlando and then I'd switch gears to something else like my job or comic books or something I saw on TV. Eh? Who knows? All in all, best 2 weeks we've ever had since the end of August back in 2008. DC, Disney, Road Trips, Double Dates, New Year's Eve, Birthday, Family, Friends. We did it all. Most importantly (as stated in previous post) I got to hold her. I love this woman and I am supremely lucky and honored to have her in my life. On another note, here at OST, or Orlando Shakes, or as the official title goes, The Orlando Shakespeare Theatre in Partnership with UCF; We are working overtime, 6 days a week, to be ready to open Hamlet and All's Well That End's Well in Rotating Repertory. What that means is that we will be doing 2 shows in the same theatre with the same cast in a rotating schedule. Which means the actors are rehearsing all day for 2 shows, the scene shop is building 2 sets, and the costume shop (where I work) we are building two complete sets of costumes for each show. A lot of work is going into this and I've been given the duty of being the Milliner for both shows. I love hats! I wear them all the time. I've also made some pants and few vests.
These are the Posters for the shows. Kinda cool eh? On a final note I have one more thing to say before signing off.


*Drops the Mic*