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Based in Washington DC, freelance wardrobe at your service. A lover of comic books, crime novels, and scifi television. Also loves guiness, jazz, and a beautiful woman named Marley.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Off to the Races!!! or the Ascot Gavotte... take your pick

Sitting in rehearsal for My Fair Lady, doing my Wardrobe Supervisor duties, I wonder why in god's name do I work musicals. Mostly I enjoy being here because of Marley. She has easily become my favorite thing about the middle of nowhere Indiana. That and well, the Vinyl record store and the comic book shop of awesome. I miss my past life less and less each day and I'm glad I'm done with Elon. Working "professional" theatre is more fulfilling than anything I've done yet, even on the bad days. Which are few because I see Marly everyday and its never a bad day when I see her. Orlando in just over a month... scary. Saw the Dark Knight. Greatest Fucking Comic Book Movie Of All Time! I guess thats all for now. See ya in the Funny Papers.


Saturday, July 12, 2008


Opened "Crimes of the Heart" last night. It went pretty awesome, mostly cuz me and Marley run the backstage. It was a good full audience that laughed in the right places and just over all seemed to enjoy the show. I actually don't do much wardrobe wise, but I do get to be on headset and handle some other technical elements, so hells yeah I'm important. 

The longer I stay here and the more time I spend with people.... the less I want this summer to end. I mean I am totally ready to go to Orlando in a month and a half and try to get a career going, and I know I'll make friends and have a good time, but none of it will be like what I have here and that saddens me a little. Of course I'll be in contact with people and I'm not losing anyone, really, it just...I don't know. I'm probably not gonna think about this again until i have to. Just know that places like this and nights like last night are the reasons I love my life and what I do for a living.


Monday, July 7, 2008

Fresh Start

OK, so... last time I invested time and energy into blogging was years ago and my life was going to shit in a hand basket, so I stopped. Now that I'm on my big adventure called life after college and traveling the country working at different theaters, I figured it would be a good time to start this back up again. I will regale you (if you are in fact someone who cares what I do in my life) with tales regarding sewing, wardrobe, driving, and pretty much anything else that seams prevalent to my over all... life. 

Right now I am the Wardrobe Supervisor for The New Harmony Theatre in southern Indiana. They've housed me on the University of Southern Indiana campus and I've met some pretty fucking sweet people while here. I have renewed my love in all things music and vinyl through 1)Making a new best friend, Marley, who is the coolest shit ever and 2)Joe's West Side Record Store. Middle of Nowhere Indiana, who'd have thunk it. I built a few costumes for the first show "Othello" and I will building a few more for the third show, "My Fair Lady". As soon as I figure out pictures and things I'll try to post them. 

More to come later. Great Adventures ahead!