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Based in Washington DC, freelance wardrobe at your service. A lover of comic books, crime novels, and scifi television. Also loves guiness, jazz, and a beautiful woman named Marley.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


So here's a new thing for me. Career Goals. I want to work wardrobe in opera. More specifically a Wardrobe Supervisor. More specifically, in Santa Fe and Chicago. I've finally sorted through my emotions and thoughts from my summer experience and have decided that career wise, this is what I want to go for. Those of you reading may know me as someone who never really has had goals beyond living and loving. Having fun and surrounding myself with good people are also up there. So far I've achieved all those goals and I think it's time for me to put my big boy pants on and go out into this world and....idk do my thing. I know this wont be easy. There's unions, degrees, and a million other things standing in my way and even if I just get to work in this field in these places then fine, so be it. I'm not scared of this anymore, I'm not afraid to fall. I have friends, family, and a woman who loves me who will help me and stand by me.

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