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Based in Washington DC, freelance wardrobe at your service. A lover of comic books, crime novels, and scifi television. Also loves guiness, jazz, and a beautiful woman named Marley.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Little Poetry... Don't Judge Me

Muscles in my Lips

Muscles in my lips
Push the air from my lungs
Filling my horn
Tenderly caressing each note
Holding you in the playing position
Muscles in my lips
Firmly plant kisses
Down the softness of your neck
Holding my horn high
Gliding fingers
Down the cool, metal neck
Caressing each of your legs
Squeezing your thigh
Pushing the warmth from my fingertips
Firmly planting melodies
Squeezing out high notes
Agile fingers
Dance lightly on valves
The exhale of elation
The sweat trickles down
Agile fingers
Dance lightly across your chest
The exhale of thunder, joyous sound
Making love to the music
Making love to you
Adrenaline pumps through my veins
Every move natural
Every move sensual
Faster and harder
Smooth and precise
Changes in rhythm
Picking up pace
Moving together as one
My body and yours
My body and the horn
The song ends
The music stops
The night air breathes in unison
With you, me, and the horn
Your glow fading
The horn stands lifeless
Cold and still
Falling asleep in your embrace
Muscles in my lips
Push air
Plant kisses
Muscles in my lips
Make music
Make love

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