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Based in Washington DC, freelance wardrobe at your service. A lover of comic books, crime novels, and scifi television. Also loves guiness, jazz, and a beautiful woman named Marley.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Already?!

So its Christmas. I'm in Orlando for it again this year. Working another lame ass christmas show thats a parody of another christmas show. I'm glad I have career goals now or this would be aweful. My parents are here again, which is actually really nice cuz I never see them anymore, which I guess is part of growing up. I see marley in less than a week, 4 months is a real long fucking time to go without seeing someone you love passionate and deeply. I'm so excited to see her and be able to hold her and look her in the eyes! Back to Career Goals. 2 Years ago I left school for the final time with a goal of becoming the Wardrobe Supervisor at a regional Equity Theatre. Well that's done and I'm glad to have moved on to a new goal. Spending the rest of my life with Marley and being a full time staff member of Wardrobe at a major opera company. I know the first one is either obvious or makes you vomit but whatever. The company goes into the Shakespeare Rep next month and I'll be spending at least 3 weeks in the costume shop building stuff...needless to say I'm not excited. It's been a while since I got my hands dirty making things. Well its getting alte and I should sleep! Goodnight!

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