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Based in Washington DC, freelance wardrobe at your service. A lover of comic books, crime novels, and scifi television. Also loves guiness, jazz, and a beautiful woman named Marley.

Monday, April 18, 2011

DC So Far

I moved to DC in late November 2010. I started a job as wardrobe overhire at The Signature Theatre working on Sunset Boulevard. It was a long three month run into February, and I got meet and work with a lot of good people. While I was at Signature, my fiancee Marley has worked at the Studio Theatre and a smaller local theatre called First Stage at Tyson's Corner. Working with someone as my direct superior has been an interesting experience. Usually I am my own boss or I have hire ups who understand that my job is vital but not necessarily are there for the whole process. This is only my second experience working under another wardrobe supervisor professionally and it has been an eye opening experience. We've found that we have a lot in common as far as the way things should be done or what things are priority, but it has been the little things, (isn't it always), the little differences in our work processes that have led to frustrate us at times. It worked out well though because as sunset neared it's close, my boss asked me to stay on for their next show; a workshop called And the Curtain Rises. This was a smaller run since it was billed as a workshop so as of last Sunday, I have not been working on a show, but there have been talks about starting back up with them in the fall. Coming up on the horizon, hopefully, (I say hopefully because an offer has been made and accepted but no contract has been sent out yet), is the extension of a popular show in DC right now. I don't want to name the show or company on the internets because I feel that will make it not come to fruition. Today, I attended the annual DC technicians cattle call for the second time. There were some slight differences this year. Last year I went very uptight and professional in a full suit with sweater vest and tie. This year, I went with nice jeans, chucks, tie with tie tack, open vest, and my "phill" hat. I also knew some people in the room this year. The assistant PM from Signature was there with the prop mistress, and Marley's PM from Studio was there as well. Jokes were had and I made most of the room laugh so I'm really hopeful for some positive feedback from this. Last year I only got one call from this, but that's one more than I would have gotten if I hadn't participated, so this year I'm hoping for two calls. Well this is Phill, signing off from the Smithsonian sculpture gardens.

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