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Based in Washington DC, freelance wardrobe at your service. A lover of comic books, crime novels, and scifi television. Also loves guiness, jazz, and a beautiful woman named Marley.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Maybe I was Meant to Hold You in These Arms

I know, I know. Irish folk music about love and life. My name all over it. I know, I know. Marley is right now making fun of me because at first I said no. These guys though....good. I haven't connected to new music in a long time and these guys just. It's insightful and being in a long distance relationship, the lyrics are able to vocalize the feelings and words I have trouble to do so. I think everyone should at least give a listen, at least once.


Becki said...

have you seen "Once"?

Phill Giggey said...

Yes, I love that movie